16 February 2024

Team Building i.e., to make a group on a path of professional and personal growth, with a view to the improvement of both the individual and the group, hence the company. Team Building: it is no coincidence that the English language uses a verb like ‘build’, to construct. And at a time in history when we have rediscovered the full value of socialization, being able to convert it into performance and productivity seems, today more than ever, necessary and convenient.

It is in this direction that, after 20 years of experience, we combine intriguing and fun solutions that, under the banner of beauty and discovery of the city of Milan, know how to transform every Team Building activity into a moment of passion and fun, in a crescendo of collaboration that nurtures interpersonal communication.

The Cultural Game

Not just a simple treasure hunt, not just a game, and not even a classic tour: a true and perfect mix of all of these, a “cultural game,” in which squares, monuments and famous sights of Milan, are the co-stars of trials in which to try your hand.
Divided into teams or individually, experiencing a unique Team Building like this allows you to live many experiences in one, meeting historical figures, finding clues embedded in the history of the place and solving mysteries.

The Game Night

We have created all our Team Buildings so that, always winking at Milanese history and culture, they are short but memorable experiences that know how to accompany the participants between laughter, collaboration and involvement… a bit of relaxation that helps, between more or less demanding challenges to weld bonds and forge new friendships

Game Night is a game directed by a professional presenter that mixes fun and intellectual discussion in a friendly atmosphere and can be played during one course and another.

Food Experience

If you want to give a different flavor to your Team Building, here too Milan comes to our aid: in fact, we range from the Show Cooking of saffron risotto, a typical Milanese dish, to the Cocktail Experience in which, starting from the origins of our historical cocktails, very nice professional bartenders will guide participants step by step until they create an alcoholic (or even non-alcoholic…) drink starting from the most varied and unthinkable ingredients. On the other hand, for those who love contemporary cuisine, a very fun (and mouth-watering) Team Building is the Finger Food Experience led by a professional chef who will involve everyone in working out their imagination by making very personal finger foods with high quality raw materials … at the end who will eat the best? And will it look better or taste better?

The Fake Tour

The Fake Tour, on the other hand, is quiz tours around the center of Milan, where the narrator tells stories related to local streets, buildings, and activities: it will be amazing to find out how you can fall into a trap, and among so many strange and absurd stories, we bet you won’t be able to distinguish the ones that are the result of our imagination from the historically documented ones.

Every Team Building we propose is turnkey, we have already thought of everything and everyone: professional staff, dedicated service, set-up, welcome cocktail; for any other needs we are well equipped: from the study of the values of the company or event to the creation of a fully customized format, to transfers to or from any destination, to coordination and hospitality services for large groups.

Let’s have fun all together! Having fun, sharing, getting to know each other, relating is important and you can do it away from the desks but, with the primary purpose of creating a solid and united group capable of achieving great goals.

Services included:

  • Event customization for date, time, schedule and timing according to client and participant needs
  • Pre-event counseling, organization and management and development of the detailed program
  • Assistance on the day of the event until the conclusion
  • Welcome of participants to the event
  • Guided tours, if provided, by Neiade Tour & Events’ professional guides, also upon request in languages other than Italian or English
  • Exclusive reserved location/means of transportation if provided
If you need to organize your event