As we approach the Church of St. Sepulchre, we already feel as if we are traveling back in time, and stepping back to the Lombard Middle Ages and the time of the Crusades… The very facade of the church, although rebuilt over time, seems to be defended by its two tall towers as if by two knights from a distant time! Founded as far back as 1030 with the name of Holy Trinity, the church was soon rededicated to the Holy Sepulcher because of the presence, since its foundation, of the crypt, a legendary, almost magical place, a copy of Christ’s holy sepulcher in Jerusalem. So let’s dive into the history of Roman antiquity and Christian religiosity, moving from the medieval history of the city to the Crusades, and discovering the great names who over the centuries have trodden the ancient stones of these evocative places, from Roman emperors to Leonardo da Vinci and St. Charles Borromeo!