Giovanna Ferrante – Biography of a Milanese writer

Who is Giovanna Ferrante?

Giovanna Ferrante is a writer and journalist.
Milanese in love with Milan, she believes that this city should be discovered and loved as it deserves. That is why for years she has been narrating Milan in conferences at Castello Sforzesco, Palazzo Reale, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Palazzo Marino, Palazzo Sormani, and Circoli Culturali; recently we also had the privilege of having her with us, in two of our Milano a colazione conferences, to talk about Milanese Christmas Traditions and Puccini’s Loves on the occasion of Pima della Scala 2019. Giovanna’s great passion and enthusiasm for our city will return (hopefully soon!) to “infect” us with many more interesting and curious stories about Milan.
In 2007 she was awarded the prestigious “Ambrogino d’Oro” award. The exclusive Garden Society Famiglia Meneghina presented writer Giovanna Ferrante with the “My Life for Milan” award. In 2013 she received the FIDAPA award “for including her culture and professionalism in favor of research and experimentation in the field of Chronic Lymphatic Leukemia” .
He was a member of the jury of the important award “Premio Carlo Porta,” which over the years was given to those personalities who honored the city of Milan. With the Ancora publishing house he published: La dama di ferro, Il romanzo di Teodolinda, regina dei Longobardi (2007), from which a play was adapted; Piazza del Verzaro; La Milano di Carlo Porta (2008); El risott del Carlo Porta; Viaggio gastronomico nella Milano del Poeta (2009); Giuseppe, Il falegname di Nazareth (2011); Quei giorni di libertà; Le Cinque Giornate di Milano (2011); Com’era dolce il Natale a Milano; I Magi in Piazza Duomo ( 2013) and others.

Most important works

  • The Iron Lady. The novel of Theodolinda, queen of the Lombards. , Ancora ed., 2007
  • El risott del Carlo Porta Viaggio gastronomico nella Milano del Poeta, Ed. Ancora, 2009
  • Those Days of Freedom – The Five Days of Milan, Ed. Ancora, 2011
  • How sweet was Christmas in Milan, Ed. Ancora, 2012
  • The Magi in the Cathedral Square, Ed. Ancora, 2013

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