Theimmersive experience is an excellent solution where one wishes to create an event in which the Art/Culture value is declined in more technological and cutting-edge forms.
In this case, and as is often the case, we were faced with and solved the need to organize an event in which culture (be it an art exhibition, a private collection, or a location at a museum) was approached in a technologically innovative way that was still playful and usable by guests.
The choice to propose theimmersive experience, led by an expert in digital culture, fell naturally due to the physiology of the Client, a leading international company in outsourced technical and IT support services. In fact, the idea of combiningArt, Technology and a convivial moment was even more convincing once we identified the Target and the context of the event, which would be attended by the CEO himself: to focus attention on the offer of excellent digital services in a moment of aggregation and networking offered to C-Level Clients.
After a short Welcome with soft drinks, then, we chose an experience in which thedigital immersiveness was gradually increasing: we started with an immersiveDigital Art video, moved on to watching a short docu-film with AR Visors, and finally reached the exploration of the metaverse with avatars. The reinforced aperitif, at a dedicated and exclusive area, finally allowed the exchange of opinions and impressions among the guests, fostering their interaction. The support at all stages, from planning to on-site assistance, encouraged the Client to actively participate in both the Experience and the networking moment, fully achieving their goals.