18 April 2024

Corporate events in Milan can provide an excellent Return On Investment due to their features and benefits. Create a strong emotional relationship with attendees and increase your network.

Getting customers to focus on your communication and the story you want to tell. Distracting is easy, capturing attention difficult. The corporate event, thanks to the creativitỳ and organization behind it, is not just a mere opportunitỳ to relate to your guests but a unique chance to share an emotional moment with them by increasing the possibilitỳ of crossing the threshold of formalities̀ alone together.

When it comes to corporate events, the mistake to avoid is to talk only about your brand or company-the latter are important to you but may not necessarily be important to your guests and invitees.

The focus is always to give something of value to the people we have invited to attend. Something that is important to them in terms of knowledge and experience. This is the reason why among many different types of corporate events in Milan, we are focused on offering a cultural dimension: because it means giving our and your guests an unparalleled experience in the beauty of Milan’s rich historical and artistic heritage.

We at NEIADE Tour & Events, born 20 years ago as creators and organizers of guided tours of Milan’s cultural heritage, have increasingly specialized in creating corporate events in Milan that have as their core, precisely, the city’s cultural-historical sites, some iconic and many unseen. Through constant scouting and a continuous dialogue with the protagonists of culture, we remain daily updated on the possibilities and opportunities that a dynamic city like Milan shows us every day.

Among corporate events, the cultural one is among the most transversal by far because it can interest everyone, of all ages̀, professions, roles and genders; it is an excellent conversation starter to entertain clients and guests, an opportunity to chat with everyone, accomplice to the fascination of the place and what surrounds us; finally, let’s not forget that a corporate event in Milan, of a cultural nature, by its very nature is located in prestigious historical-artistic contexts and in locations that are difficult to use or just accessible to the public.

Among many possible corporate events in Milan, why choose a cultural event

It might seem strange, considering the enormous potential̀ of our country in this regard, but, in Italy, enhancing one’s corporate event with a cultural content or location is a possibilitỳ still little known and/or used. Yet the cultural event has characteristics that make it a perfect content for the business world.

Originality: the cultural event differs from classic̀ corporate activities organized for conferences or team building.

Positioning: that is the perception of the cultural event. Borrowing from marketing the always useful concept of positioning, we can say that the choice of a cultural event leads to a very high perception of the activity and brand. An example? Look among the sponsors of La Scala Theater or those who recently held their presentation in the very nearby Gallerie d’Italia.

Exclusivity: the location is transformed from a mere container into content and true attraction for the participants who are welcomed and accompanied by guides trained to narrate (and not simply expound notions…), tell that art and beauty that the world envies us.

Storytelling: have you ever seen Milan from the top of the Torre Branca, enjoying a great aperitif?
Or at the water’s edge along the Navigli? Have you ever experienced what it feels like to visit the Last Supper alone? “Unique” moments are always created in a culturally-driven event, and in more social times than ever, the potential for Instagrammability, for one thing, should never be overlooked.

Customization: most of these activities̀ can be customized and tailored to the company’s need:
from a simple visual brand presence, to the creation of networking and PR moments, to the creation of an exclusive cultural history trail based on the client’s values.

Italian-ness: for us it may sometimes be taken for granted, but foreign clients or colleagues expect to be led to discover the artistic wonders of our country, which, for a good part of them, otherwise remain read or studied notions, postcards of the past or reviews of the present; all perhaps accompanied by an excellent Italic food and wine experience.

Services included:

  • Event customization for date, time, schedule and timing according to client and participant needs
  • Pre-event counseling, organization and management and development of the detailed program
  • Assistance on the day of the event until the conclusion
  • Welcome of participants to the event
  • Guided tours, if provided, by Neiade Tour & Events’ professional guides, also upon request in languages other than Italian or English
  • Exclusive reserved location/means of transportation if provided
If you need to organize your event